Updates from October, 2010 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • My Daily Observation 10:48 pm on October 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Countdown, Democracy, Democratic Party (United States), fear-mongering, Fox News, hate-mongering, , media, , , religious fundamentalism, , right-wing, Tea Party movement, Tea Party protests, , , violence   

    Will the Tea Party Win Change the Face of America? 

    Keith Olbermann‘s thought-provoking Special Comment on Wednesday (27/10/10) night’s “Countdown with…” A must-see! It’s not fear-mongering. It’s a wake-up call to all Americans who care about keeping the core values of America and don’t want to see a group of ultra-conservative, narrow-minded people hijack the country because of ignorance, hate, fear…. Those Americans who still think that the Tea Party movement is a joke or just a phase should turn on the news and smell the rise of fundamentalism at their doorstep!

    (Part 1)


    (Part 2)

    Whilst I do agree with Rachel Maddow about this phenomenon that’s not new in America, but we should ponder the fact that it still exists and getting stronger than ever in this day and age, the 21st century!!! My gosh! Countries should be moving forward, not backwards; aim at progress, not retrogress; more understanding about diversity, not ignorance; promote peace, not advocate violence! We live in the same small world. We have to share the world with everyone. If in the 21st century, people are still intolerant about others who may or may not share the same ideology and preach hatred, soon, the world will be torn apart and deemed unlivable in the absence of peace. At the end of the day, if the world is no longer sustainable and livable, the perpetrators of fear, hate, violence will also suffer.

    For centuries, there were individuals and groups that fought for peace, understanding, inclusion, tolerance. Some even died for the cause. We live in a freer world today because of them. Why are we destroying everything that they had done for us so we could live in a better world?

    The rising religious fundamentalism in America is frightening. Domestic terrorism in the guise of religion is alive and well. Just look at the anti-abortion extremism which has caused deaths; senseless murders. Instead of decrying such un-American, un-democratic acts with loudspeakers, we have the media, particularly the far-right conservative media, aka Fox News, that fueled this extremism. And when violence occurs, Fox News and others conveniently take a step back, hold out their hands and say they didn’t condone violence! Wow, how irresponsible! This same tactic – using the media – is being utilised to ferment intolerance, hate, fear toward certain groups and race. When violence erupts, these hate-mongering, fear-mongering individuals, media magically wash their hands, claiming that they have nothing to do with it. The saying that goes, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” in this case, “Words can kill,” is what we see in American politics today.

    Good luck, America!

  • My Daily Observation 3:53 pm on October 27, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Jay, Kitty the Lion, , , , , Motormark, , , Nouvelle Vague, , , Plum, , , Thin Lizzy   

    “Lip Service” Playlist (Videos) – Episode 3 

    Last night’s episode was fucking awesome ‘coz the story development was so realistic especially with the “can’t get over your ex” dilemma, the “never tamper with straight girls or you’ll get hurt!cautionary tale, the “unrequited love between a straight bloke and a lezzer” dilemma, the childhood mystery/secret that could’ve contributed to Frankie’s fucked up outlook of life & the “a player will always be a player” aka Jay, all written and acted perfectly well… Simply cannot wait for the next episode!

    Meanwhile, the songs selected for this episode were awesom. My fave is definitley Nouvelle Vague‘s rendition of The Cures “A Forest“!

    Bang That Drum – Oskar

    A Forest – Nouvelle Vague


    Split Ends – Kitty the Lion


    Dancing in the Moonlight – Thin Lizzy


    Wolf Trap Motel – Husky Rescue


    Eat Drink Sleep Think – Motormark


    You – Plum featuring Ben Phaze

  • My Daily Observation 4:32 pm on October 26, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , abortion, , , , , , , Jan Brewer, Ku Klux Klan, Newt Gingrich, President, racism, , reproductive rights, Sarah Palin, segregation, , slavery, , , US Constitution,   

    America & Violence & That Damned Mid-Term Election! 

    What’s going on with America and violence?! It’s nothing new since America was built from violence. But over the years the feel was more or less shrouded and appeared in the fringes of society. But now, America has candidates like Sharron Angle who isn’t even hiding her violent belief that if she and her group of tea partyers & the conservative groups don’t win in the mid-term elections, they’ll use the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution as remedy…! That’s condoning taking arms and killing/shooting people to gain political power! WTFF?! All because America elected the 1st black President?! My gosh, for those of us who were naive enough to think that America has come a long way since her horrible history of slavery, Ku Klux Klan, racial segregation, it’s shocking and troubling and scary to see the America today – so much anger, so much racism, so much hatred. Besides the race thing, we’re also seeing the tide turning the opposite direction for women’s rights, reproductive/abortion rights, civil rights, freedom of religion in America whilst the WORLD is going the other direction of progress! What’s wrong with the American society to accept this?? The level of apathy especially among the younger generation is frightening. They’re so engrossed with the culture of celebrity, fame, fortune, they forget that without rights, they have nothing. Without fighting for progress, diversity, tolerance, there’s nothing. Why is the American society so blasé about it, or worse, so ignorant?? I don’t understand.

    Let’s see:

    • Sharron Angle condoning the use of violence via the US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment if she and her cronies don’t get what they want in the political arena;
    • Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, Ken Buck, Rand Paul dictating to women what they should and shouldn’t do with their own reproductive systems. No abortion even for those who suffer from rape, incest!
    • Christine O’Donnell denying evolution; unaware of what the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution says about the separation of church and state!
    • Sarah Palin, Fox News, Newt Gingrich and the entire GOP party fanning the flames of hatred, ignorance, intolerance, zenophobia, racism and ultimately FEAR nationally with their lies and extreme talking points that are repeated over and over that people who don’t know better think they’re listening to the truth!
    • The re-surfacing of anti-abortion terrorists with their extreme deadly tactics – putting out “Wanted” posters targeting medical personnel who perform abortions, with private details and reward $ with the goal of murder.
    • Jan Brewer and her zenophobic anti-immigration law in Arizona that actually inspired other states to follow suit – MY GOD!
    • The new law passed by the US Supreme Court that opens all doors for corporations to finance political campaigns without having to reveal anything. This law means transparency in US politics is DEAD.

    So, what kind of message and precedence is the US is making and setting to the rest of the world who’s observing this unbelievably backward, nonsensical, socially inept climate that’s consuming the country that’s supposedly the example of democracy, justice, freedom, with her citizens being rolled over without much protest??

    • Mary 12:15 am on October 27, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I think a good place to start a dialogue is probably to stop the whole “racist, bigot” name calling, and to let go of all the so-called “politically correct” language. Allow people to express their true feelings and thoughts. Then perhaps, there wouldn’t be any wiggle-room for misinterpretation and misleading spin.
      By the way, I do agree with you that women need to be able to make their own choices about abortion — only because that, in my opinion, is a very personal and moral choice. In the same tone, I think that government-mandated healthcare is a choice best left to the individual (provisions for the needy poor is the sole exception).
      Almost every practicing politician in America today is a lying, thieving crony (I can’t think of any exceptions). So to include them in any discussion is useless. They are the ones perpetrating all the hate and dissension, and for any ordinary citizen to listen to or believe a syllable spewing from their mouths is a huge mistake.
      The solution is to stop hate-mongering against those people with whom we disagree, keep a reasonably civil dialogue going, ask questions and listen to the answers before going off in a rant.
      Much of the western world is looking to America, counting on Americans, to hold out against socialism/marksism because these practices have failed so profoundly in their own countries. They are counting on Americans to thwart the guilt-sourced “cultural diversity” panderings that have brought such dissension (and turmoil) into their own lives. They are expecting Americans to restore America to her former glory as the ultimate non-conformist in a world of dictated conformity, by remaining a free society, by reclaiming her innovative excellence, and by becoming, once again, a worthy and masterful competitor for the growing and overbearing Chinese economy.

  • My Daily Observation 2:27 pm on October 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Alex Ferguson, football, Man Utd, Manchester United, Red Devils, wanker, wanker no. 10, Wayne Rooney   

    WAYNE ROONEY IS A TOTAL WANKER NO. 10!!!! Imagine Ferguson & our Red Devils club having to BEG him to stay?!!! Bollocks! If I were the manager, I’d have given him the boot! What does he think he is to leverage with MAN UTD?! What an overrated, cheeky bastard who cheated on his lovely wife with not 1 but TWO prostitutes! And he gets rewarded with 5 more years in arguably the most famous football club in the world?! My head hurts just thinking about the prospects of having to watch this twat play badly for our team until 2015! Grrrr!

  • My Daily Observation 6:29 am on October 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Beta Band, Cha Cha Cohen, , , , , , , , , Paulo Nutini, Siouxsie and the Banshees, , , ,   

    “Lip Service” Playlist (Videos) – Episode 2 

    My favourite song from Episode 2 is undoubtedly Cha Cha Cohen‘s dark, mysterious, rebellious “August” with husky vocals, and gothic, hypnotic rhythm… it just sucks your whole psyche into this warp! The music reminds me of Siouxsie and the Banshees

    My Home Ghost – Husky Rescue


    Needles in My Eyes – Beta Band


    Foxtrot Vandals – Zoey Van Goey


    Candy – Paulo Nutini


    August – Cha Cha Cohen


    PSI – Oskar



    Breathing Exercises – Strike the Colours


  • My Daily Observation 5:52 am on October 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Air, , , , , Lip Service Episode 1, , Pearl & the Puppets, , , The Delgados, The Moth & the Mirror,   

    “Lip Service” Playlist (Videos) – Episode 1 

    My favourite song from Episode 1 has to be The Moth & the Mirror‘s “Everyone I Know“! Doom-like tunes with haunting vocals and the best is the deep bass chord plucking all throughout the song making it sound like a chase scene!

    I Fought The Angels – The Delgados

    Make Me Smile – Pearl & the Puppets

    Answer – Any Color Black

    So Light Is Her Footfall – Air

    Heaven’s Light – Air

    Everyone I Know – The Moth & the Mirror

    • n0aa 2:03 pm on October 25, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I’ve been looking for these songs all the week!

  • My Daily Observation 10:47 pm on October 21, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Assassination of George Tiller, campaign finance, , civil rights, conservative, economy, equal rights, equality, extremism, extremists, , fundamentalism, George Tiller, , liberal, mainstream media, , , , SCOTUS, , , unemployment, ,   

    Welcome to America – The EXTREME Edition.. 

    When I was watching “The Rachel Maddow Show” (TRMS) via podcast just now, I found myself hyperventilating, descending into the abyss of despair and feeling my positive energy being sucked out of my soul bit by bit as Rachel reported and commented on the state of affairs in the country which we call “the leader of the world” or “the superpower.” Extremism and fundamentalism in America are not new. They’ve always been in existence in the fabric of America’s society at large. But we’re talking about the 21st century; we’re talking about an era where social progress, religious freedom, equal rights, women’s rights, democracy should be a no-brainer already. Those who oppose them are ridiculed, penalised, and branded backward, out-of-touch. We’re talking about the developed and developing world today.

    However, it seems that over the past 2 years, things have fundamentally changed in America. The rise of fringe conservatism in the context of tea party movements, the shift of the Republican Party from the right to the far right, the mainstream media going pandering to the right. These groups have the loudest voice in the country screaming for change – not for the better, not for progress, but back to the era where women’s rights to choose, minority rights, civil rights, religious freedom and transparency politics were all dismissed! Worse, these groups of so-called American patriots, want to amend the U.S. Constitution to abolish civil rights, social security, abortion rights, and the separation of church and state! Already rich multi-national corporations, which are mostly owned and controlled by ultra rich conservatives, have succeeded in having the U.S. Supreme Court of Justice pass a law that would basically annul transparency in campaign finance. Basically, it’s a carte blanche for any rich individual, corporation or country, to invade the politics that govern America. Basically, we’re talking about America, Inc. We all know that political power is shaped by money. The more campaign funds you collect, the higher your chances are in gaining political power in America.

    What Rachel Maddow has been reporting and showcasing is discouraging, depressing and makes you wonder where America is actually going. The segment from last night’s show was about anti-abortion extremists, touting their violence as God’s calling, as saving lives when they have no qualms in committing murders against those who don’t practice their beliefs! Doctors who perform abortions. The last time I checked, it’s not illegal to perform abortions. Roe vs Wade. It’s the law. But these extremists do not respect the law. As a result, a few doctors had been murdered!  Yet, it seems that the country is not taking this seriously. There is not enough voices of reason. So all we hear are crazy people talking crazy things that don’t make sense or outdated. I mean, sending out “Wanted” posters, detailing their targets’ private and confidential info so they could be hunted down and killed?! Are we in the Wild Wild West now?! Why aren’t the law enforcement agencies all over this dangerous plot? Yet, I don’t hear it in the mainstream news. I only hear it on either “The Rachel Maddow Show” or “Countdown with Keith Olbermann“! Come on! I refuse to believe that people regardless of whether they’re liberal, conservative or moderate thinkers, are non-existent anymore.

    The US mainstream media keeps reasoning that this anger, anti-government, extreme behaviour is because of the flailing economy, unemployment. No, that’s just an excuse. Sure, the public is angry that the government is too slow in turning around the economy and the unemployment situation. But it sure doesn’t turn it into a cultural war – anti-abortion, anti-women’s rights, anti-civil rights, anti-immigration, anti-freedom of religion!!

    So, unless Americans want to wake up the morning after the upcoming mid-term elections and realise that the US Congress has turned into a madhouse filled with crazy, nutjobs like Christine O’Donnell, Rand Paul, Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, they should all go out and cast their vote to stop this craziness. Otherwise, America risks the potential of becoming a fundamentalistic country that doesn’t embrace progress, equality, civil rights and women’s rights. Then, America might as well change her name to the United Fundamental Christian States of America.

    I’m scared for the citizens of America. The world is watching. Will these idiots drag America into a political quagmire?

    I do hope that we don’t have to face America, the Extreme Edition. Instead I hope to see the America that used to be respected, loved, honoured by the world, because of what she stands for – democracy, freedom of speech and religion, civil rights, women’s rights, justice for all.

    Rachel Maddow has a special documentary showcasing the recent murder of Dr. George Tiller, the abortion doctor who escaped his first assassination in the 90s only to have his life ultimately ended last year. The documentary is appropriately called “The Assassination of George Tiller” airing on Monday, Oct 25th. I definitely can’t wait to watch it.

  • My Daily Observation 3:28 am on October 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , British weather, Cat, , , Dramatic programming, , , , gloominess, greyness, , , Ilene Chaiken, Jennifer Beals, Kudos Production, L Word, , , , , Lisa Chlodenko, Ménage à trois, Mistresses, realism, Ruta Gedmintas, Sam, , , Tess, The L Word   

    Is it Fair to Compare “Lip Service” with “The L Word”? 

    It’s always a total bugger if you create a TV show AFTER another show with similar a subject matter had already aired and known to the world. Regardless, yours will be seen as a latecomer, a copy of the “original”, no matter how hard you try to distance yourself from the show that already aired way before yours did. I know, it’s a giant pain in the backside especially when you know that your show is decidedly a different one. Yes, I’m talking about BBC 3’s long-awaited lesbian-oriented drama, “Lip Service” and its unfortunate comparison with US’ “The L Word.”

    Yes, it’s unfortunate because I totally hated “The L Word” for its poorly written scripts, its exploitative, male-pandering sex scenes, its over-the-top, unconvincing, unrealistic plots and subplots, its self-indulgent patronising social education, the list goes on. I mean, Season 1 was just about the only season out of the 5 that was palpable with more realistic and believable storylines, albeit even lesbians working in Hollywood were (and still are!) possessed to tell the stereotypical, obligatory lesbian couple = baby storyline. It’s like the obligatory shower scene in every horror movie! But as it turned out, the baby storyline was appropriate for the Bette/Tina characters. Apart from the utterly horrifying almost-Ménage à trois rubbish, Season 1, I must say, was exciting, interesting, captivating (Thanks to the incomparable Jennifer Beals!) and I was totally looking forward to Season 2.

    But then, something changed. As if Ilene Chaiken woke up one morning and suddenly decided that she should toss out all the good that Season 1 brought to the show and create havoc! Hence, began the character assassinations, the loopiness, the “WTF!” moments. By mid-Season 2, I decided that I’d never ever watch the show ever again. And thank God I didn’t ‘coz Season 2 wasn’t the worst of it, apparently! I blame it on the show’s creator, Ilene Chaiken, a smart, intelligent person who, alas, sold us out by pandering to the male-dominated straight studio executives in order to obtain mainstream status. But it’s no surprise since we’re talking about Hollywood.

    Anyway, that was “The Fucking L Word.” Last year, when I first heard that there would be a British lesbian TV drama in the works, created and written by Harriet Braun, whose brilliant writing I enjoyed in the critically acclaimed drama series, “Mistresses,” and produced by Kudos Production, THE company that churned out cool shows like “Spooks,” “Hustle,” “Life on Mars,” and “Ashes to Ashes”!!! I was over the moon. Since then, I waited in anticipation for the eventual arrival of “Lip Service” on BBC3! Of ‘coz people who previewed the 1st episode before it aired on the telly couldn’t helped but immediately compared it to “The L Word” ‘coz hey both shows are about lesbians! So they MUST be the same! I didn’t buy that because I knew Harriet Braun’s writing would bring intelligence, realism and drama to the show with clever, witty dialogue. I actually felt a little insulted about the comparison of the 2 shows because Ilene Chaiken is no writer (she may be a very good producer but producers are NOT writers). Harriet Braun is; and frigging good at it, I must say!

    I also saw the main cast of characters. They looked normal, real, the circle of friends included straight men. Instantly, I saw realism, relatability and inclusion. Hey, that’s how it is in the real world. Then after watching the trailers, it just confirmed my belief that “Lip Service” was going to be a show with its own merits instead of a shadow of “The L Word.” The exterior and interior look and design, the group dynamics, the handheld scenes, made the show and its characters more grounded, real, relatable, and believable. The best thing? It’s in Glasgow, Scotland! The British weather – aww, so romantic with the greyness, the rain, the gloominess, the cold…ahhhhh.. And my assumption was correct after watching the 1st episode. I was very happy with it, in general. A couple of campy scenes with Frankie to show just how fucked up of a person she is, so for that purpose, were appropriate, applicable. Some said it was an attempt to “shock” viewers, to make it edgier and more controversial. Oh, whatever. For me, the 1st episode truly set the stage, managed to give viewers a general idea of who each character was, which was necessary. In addition, Braun even managed to put in a mystery, a secret…. It was great! The dialogue was spot-on, the chemistry among the characters was utterly natural. I believed the group dynamics because I’ve seen it in real life.

    So after the 1st episode, I’ve already made up my mind about the characters. Here’s what I think of:

    Frankie: Bad news, through and through. Whoever gets involved with her risks losing her integrity altogether. She needs to straighten herself out first before dragging another person down with her and her utterly damaged soul! The 1st thing that popped into my head when I saw her on-screen was, “Jesus! Have you ever heard of a shower or a bath, love?!” This ruffled, dirty, grungy, cigarette-smelling look ain’t working for me, regardless of what age bracket I’m in! Whatever happened to clean and tidy, smart-looking, eh?

    Cat: Poor woman. Still hung up with Frankie who left her cold without a word….for 2 fucking years! No explanation, nothing. She even left her ex-girlfriend because of Frankie! What a waste! I hope her admittance to roomie, Tess, about her being too old to date fuck-ups, applies to Frankie as well. Cat’s very uptight, self-deprecating, clumsy, which creates mini crises and comedy around her, which I really enjoy watching! Plus, she’s interested in a copper – a cool, calm, smart-looking woman! Yay! Now, let’s just hope Frankie doesn’t spoil everything for Cat and Sam since we know Cat still hasn’t gotten over Frankie…. *Sigh*

    Tess: Cat’s roomie. A total airhead who creates comedy around her. She’s unsure about herself, dumped by her girlfriend of 5 years who actually cheated on her while they were still together! She’s determined to embrace her newly annointed singlehood, getting ready to dive into the world of dating and pulling girls. Tess is funny. I like watching her because she’s the comic of the show. I cannot wait to see where her new life takes her especially after hooking up with a gorgeous TV celebrity!

    Sam: THE cool, quiet, calm, smartly dressed copper, a Detective Sergeant, who fancies Cat. She’s very serious when it comes to relationships. I hope she doesn’t take any of Cat’s shit, like her fickle-mindedness about Frankie. I have a feeling that her heart will be broken by Cat. I hope NOT… But she and Cat have such great chemistry! I am looking forward to a good ending with these 2! And, thank you, Harriet Braun, for writing in a COPPER who’s a lezzer! YES! Finally! And yes, Sam IS my favourite character of the show! It’s just a pity she’s not one of the main characters. But I’ll take anything. Heather Peace AND Sam are both COOL! 🙂

    The others, I really don’t care about. But I’m a little worried about Cat’s brother, Ed, who’s secretly in love with Tess. I’d go utterly mad if somehow, Tess and Ed hook up sexually!!! I mean, that’s what we expect to see on a US show because let’s face it, in the US, lesbians secretly long to have sex with straight men, you see (yes, you, Lisa Chlodenko, I’m talking to you!). So, Harriet Braun, please do not betray us! It’s very common for lesbians to have best friends who are straight men, and not uncommon when some do have crushes on their lezzer mates. But nothing ever happens. At least not in my world!

    So, all in all, “Lip Service” is a great TV drama who happens to evolve around lesbians! It’s groundbreaking, it’s the best lesbian-oriented TV drama yet. It’s Britain’s “Queer As Folk” for lesbians! Yup, I said it! For me, I’m like, “The L…” what?? Bring on more “Lip Service”!

    Now let’s see what happens with the rest of the Series – we’ve got 5 episodes left.

    Say, BBC, time to commission the 2nd series, eh?

  • My Daily Observation 5:03 pm on October 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: academic, Asian, Asian children, asian culture, Asian kids, asian tradition, ballet lessons, boy scouts, brownies, chinese, Chinese culture, Chinese society, Chinese tradition, cubs, Culture of China, Education, Educators, extracurricular activities, Extracurricular activity, Fridays, girl guides, girl scouts, HK, K through 12, piano lessons, Race and ethnicity in the United States Census, Secondary school, sports, straight As, vanguards, violin lessons, Western world   

    Culture War? 

    You know, Chinese kids really do grow up differently than kids from other cultures/race. Education doesn’t just mean going to nursery and kindergarten, then primary and secondary school and beyond. That’s just the baseline, the most rudimentary requirement. Getting an education in an Asian family is about going to school, getting As in every subject, involving in extra-curricular activities in school like sports, various academic clubs, uniformed associations like girl guides/boy scouts/brownies/cubs/vanguard/firebrigade etc that promotes discipline, survival skills, independence, social skills, the whole 9 yards. Then, outside the school grounds, there are  tuition classes, piano lessons, violin and other stringed instrument lessons, computer classes, language classes, ballet lessons. And yes, the goal is to ace in all of them! So, Mondays through Fridays, there’s school, sports, clubs, tuition classes. Saturdays and Sundays, there’s uniformed association meetings, various musical instrument lessons, sports.

    This practice has been deeply rooted and ingrained in the Chinese society for as long as I can remember. It doesn’t matter which part of the world you live in. If you’re of Chinese descent, chances are, you’re exposed to these pressure-cooker, stressful environment growing up. And if you have enough energy after all the classes and lessons, homework and what have you, then you can play. Regardless, competition especially in the academic and sports arena, is part of the Chinese culture and tradition, in my opinion. Every Chinese family I know, has gone through this. No exceptions. The only difference, I can see, is the level of pressure given to the kids. This, I believe, depends on the mentality of the parents and the educators. I’ve seen parents who are absolutely adamant about their kids being top of the class in everything and instill their goals and dreams onto their kids. They want their kids to be doctors, lawyers, accountants, surgeons, when they grow up. Name and status are very important in the Asian culture. I’ve seen parents punishing their kids if they don’t achieve their goals. As a result, kids are stressed out about getting less than A in their maths or science subjects. I remember one of my friends crying her eyes out, afraid to go home because she got an A- in Chemistry instead of a straight A!

    Now, is this right? While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having dreams and goals and achieving them, learning skills, discipline, music, sports, but when they are subject to rigid achievement scales (like straight As are a must or else!) and risk of punishment, these dreams and goals turn into chores, dreaded, hated tasks that suck the creativity, interest, enjoyment and fun out of them. That’s just a fact.

    I’m a true and strong believer in moderation. Too much of anything, is bad, regardless. If we go about this tradition of achieving our goals in a moderate way, kids will do much better and will feel more appreciative. Instead of parents and teachers forcing a child to eye the A result only, why not celebrate the hardwork, and the fact that he/she has done his/her absolute best, regardless of what grade is achieved? Why not make it fun and promote the importance of taking a break amidst their tight academic schedules? Stop, smell and observe life in front of them.

    In the digital, fast-moving age we live in today, we often make the mistake of playing catch up. We think that if we just get our kids to catch up to the latest technology or skill or trend, they’ll become the best of the best. But we forget these things don’t stop and wait for us. We take one step forward, they take one step forward. Even if we think our kids have caught up, we find that the trail is still ahead of us! So, we end up making our kids chase after them endlessly. As a result, some kids get burn out, depressed, sick and worse, suicidal!

    Why do we keep making the same mistake in every generation? Yes, it’s part of the Asian culture and tradition. But taking extreme positions to continue with that makes it a bad tradition. Everything should be done in moderation.

    This documentary below doesn’t just reflect the HK society only. We see this culture, tradition and attitude in other countries where the Chinese society resides.

    Part 1

    Part 2

  • My Daily Observation 2:45 pm on October 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: animal abuse, animal cruelty, animal torture, Animal welfare, CCTV, Closed-circuit television, Coventry, Facebook, Online Communities, social awareness, Social network service, social networking sites, Torture, Twitter,   

    What the F**K is Wrong with People who Torture Animals?! 

    animal cruelty, animal torture, inhumanity

    Very happy to see justice being served today when this woman (pictured above) from Coventry, caught on CCTV dumping a poor, defenceless kitten into a bin, was sentenced to a £250 fine and a 5-year ban on owning any animal. All credit actually goes to the owners of the tortured kitten who posted the CCTV footage on Facebook & YouTube in order to seek help from people who might have seen this woman. And boy, did the footage help! It’s amazing that social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter & YouTube are now more than just places for people to socialise. They’re fast becoming critical tools that people use to increase awareness on certain issues including solving crimes, even!

    This case not only got the woman arrested and charged but the CCTV footage being posted on Facebook and other social networking sites also made people become aware of such an inexcusable act against a defenceless living creature; that animal cruelty is not acceptable. Hence, action was taken. Instead of just being charged and fined, this woman was made to be ashamed and vilified for her deplorable action. I’m sure she’d think twice before attempting to torture animals again in the future!


    animal cruelty, torture

    Two Arse-Holes Who Should Be Found & Punished!

    Now, what I’d like to see is this 2 friggin’ arse-holes (pictured above) being found, arrested and punished for having the audacity to post this crass on the internet, with a little, defenceless puppy hung from a string!! This is absolutely unconscionable. Totally inhumane. Utterly sickening! This picture has been posted on Facebook and has caused a big outcry from loads of people, demanding justice. Haven’t heard that these 2 idiots have been found yet. When they are, I sincerely hope they’re properly dealt with!

    There should be some kind of sensitivity or awareness training or boot camp for people who think that torturing animals is harmless and just a bit of fun! If they can’t even give a little respect to living creatures, I doubt very much that they are respectful to human beings! It’s psychology. People who get off with seeing animals suffer most definitely have the tendency to feel the same way with human beings.

    Nowadays, practically everyone has at least 1 social networking site account, be it Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Let’s hope that we’ll continue to use social networking sites to do good, spread good civic mindedness and increase awareness of social issues.


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